Saturday, March 22, 2008

Typical Daily Schedule

8:40-9:00am children arrive
8:45-9:00am morning activity-this is a short activity in which
children are asked to demonstrate one of the monthly
9:00-9:30am circle time-whole group discussion and activities
related to that day's lesson ex: calendar, leader of the
day, weather, planned lesson for today's skill(s)

9:30-10:00am breakfast-during this time social skills such as
manners are worked on

10:00-11:00am special(library, art etc) and center time
center time gives the children an opportunity to
put the skills that they have learned to practice

11:00-11:10am ready for buses-this is a time to work on fasteners
student independence

By having an idea of what your children are doing in a typical day, you are better able to understand the workings of the classroom and how their day is structured. In addition, many teachers have weekly newsletters. This is a good way to know exactly which skills are being taught and how you can supplement them at home

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